Ping-Chuan Hsiung, PhD
Ping-Chuan Hsiung, PhD, is a researcher at the Taiwan Social Resilience Research Center at National Taiwan University and a licensed counseling psychologist in Taiwan.
She has been a researcher at the Taiwan Social Resilience Research Center at National Taiwan University since 2022. She also served as a professor in the Department of Social Work at NTU from 2006 to 2024 and has been a licensed counseling psychologist in Taiwan since 2003.
Visiting Faculty, at the Centre for Critical Qualitative Health Research, University of Toronto
Member of the Taipei Counseling Psychologist Association
Member of the Taiwan Medical and Health Counseling Psychology Association
Professional Member and Approved Supervisor of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
1. Peng, S. Y., Hsiung, P. C*., & Wo, J. (In press). Pile-up of family demands of Taiwanese family living with chronic heart failure. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work.
Hsiao, C. Y., Sun, H., Wu, Y. L., Hsiung, P. C. * (2024). Symphony of life: The application of music in spiritual care for a hospitalized elderly infected with COVID-19. Positive Psychology in Counseling and Education, 3, 126-138.
Hsiung, P. C., Pan, A. W., Chung, L., Lai, N. H., & Wu, Y. Y. (2024). Depression and sleep quality in predicting the subjective quality of life of women with breast cancer in Taiwan. Hong Kong Journal of Social Work, 57 (1-2), 75-95. https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219246223500048
Chen, H.M. & Hsiung, P.C.* (2021). Teach self-awareness and self-of-the-therapist in a Chinese Society: A class example at National Taiwan University. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 42, 377-389.
Peng, S.Y., Wo, J. & Hsiung, P.C.* (2021). Family capabilities of Taiwanese families experiencing chronic heart failure. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, 42, 414-425.
Hsiung, P. C. (2021). The development and application of medical family therapy in Taiwan: My personal actualization. Bulletin of Educational Psychology, 52(3), 665-684.
Hsiung, P.C., Wu, M.F., Lai, N.H., Pan, A.W., & Wu, Y.Y. (2020). Actualization of “locally-grounded, globally-informed” psychosocial oncology services. Journal of Taiwan Counseling Psychology Association, 8, 61-88.
Pan, A.W., Chung, L., Chen, T.J. & Hsiung, P.C., (2020). The study of the validity and reliability of the Occupational Self-Assessment-traditional Chinese version. Hong Kong Journal of Occupational Therapy, 33 (1), 1-7.